from The Center for Pastoral Transformation

The discernment process for credentialing in the Free Methodist Church begins in the local church context. The FMCUSA Book of Discipline paragraph 6500 outlines the process for a Local Ministerial Candidate (LMC) to have opportunity to explore a perceived call in the context of the local church with a local mentor pastor. Persons who discern a call to the diaconate should pursue the Consecrated Deacon Candidate path at the completion of the LMC process. The Consecrated Deacon process is outlined in paragraph 6600 of the Book of Discipline. The local mentor pastor and local Board of Administration guide prospective deacons in the process of study and mentoring appropriate to their area of ministry and according to denominational standards.



Current research shows a direct correlation between the presence of strong mentoring relationships and long-term flourishing in ministry. Although other factors play into one’s longevity in ministry, mentors are critically important in setting a trajectory that often lasts throughout one’s years of service. This handbook is designed to walk pastors through a philosophy, model, and approach to mentoring before unpacking the specific processes for guiding ministerial candidates at the local, conference, and deacon levels toward service in the Free Methodist Church. The model proposed draws from the best practices of spiritual direction, ministry coaching, and pastoral supervision to develop a candidate’s heart, head, and hands for service. Available at Light + Life Publishing Wholistic Mentoring: A handbook for developing ministerial candidates in the FMC • LIGHT + LIFE Bookstore (freemethodistbooks.com)



Local mentor pastors are encouraged to use this “Register an LMC” link (also found on our website https://leadership.fmcusa.org/ under the “mentoring” tab and “Ordination Process” tab) to invite candidates to the LMC Path on Pathwright.

This registration link also has option to request an LMC be invited to the Consecrated Deacon Candidate Path. Conference moderators are able to see LMC and Deacon Candidate activity and assist as needed in these two levels of ministry candidacy. When pastors use the registration link, they are given encouragement and resources to use while mentoring their candidates. Pathwright is candidate-centered, so candidates (not mentor pastors) are expected to read and complete the steps, understand the process, and share submissions. Local mentor pastors should use the provided outline/s to help guide and encourage, review items before submission, etc. The paths are NOT the decision, but a place to chronicle the discernment journey. They are based on the processes outlined in the Book of Discipline.


PRINTABLE & SHAREABLE DOCUMENTS (10 PDF items below-click on green links to access)

Please find attached several resources (10) in both English and Spanish to share with local mentor pastors and local boards of administration who are working with Local Ministerial Candidates (LMCs) and Consecrated Deacon Candidates.

Click on green links below to access documents:


Additionally, two (2) tutorial paths have been created on Pathwright by Southern Michigan Conference and adapted for wider use to assist local mentor pastors in understanding the credentialing process. Pastors may request invitation to these paths by contacting their conference moderator or credentialing@fmcusa.org .

  • “Local Pastor & Coach Training”
  • “Developing Deacons”

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