FAQ’s on election of Delegates for Churches

to Leadership Summit (Annual Conference)

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This guide is intended to help navigate the sometimes confusing questions regarding the election of delegates by churches for Leadership Summit (Annual Conference).

FAQ’s on election of Delegates for Churches

 to Leadership Summit (Annual Conference)


This guide is intended to help navigate the sometimes confusing questions regarding the election of delegates by churches for Leadership Summit (Annual Conference).

2023 Book of Discipline information regarding Delegates:


Who can be elected:

Delegates with voting privileges (a church that is a society)

Society Meeting ¶6250 E.

E. Annual Conference Lay Delegates

1. Adult members, with the exception of Conference Ministerial Candidates appointed to a Society as pastor-in-charge, who conform to the conditions outlined for leaders in ¶6200.E.  are eligible to be (a) delegate(s) or reserve delegate(s). However, a delegate who is received as a Conference Ministerial Candidate during the current session of the annual conference shall not be disqualified to serve as a delegate. The Society shall, from those nominated by the Nominating Committee, elect by ballot their delegate(s) and reserve delegate(s) to the annual conference, according to the provisions in ¶5010. The election of annual conference delegates normally occurs at a duly called Society meeting. In some societies, however, the local Board of Administration, in consultation with the conference superintendent, may provide an alternate means of electing its delegates providing that due notice is given (¶6250.C) and all members of the Society have opportunity to participate in the election. The election of the delegate(s) and reserve delegate(s) shall be by separate ballot and shall each require a majority vote of those present and voting. The secretary will provide (a) credential(s) for the delegate(s).

2. Delegates serve as liaison between the Society and its appointed personnel, as well as between the conference and the Society. Their primary tasks include: representing the Society at annual conference; participating in conference activities 136 The Local Church ¶6300 as requested; representing the Society to the superintendent; preserving unity within the body by promoting peace and harmony among the members.

3. Delegates are to support pastors and staff in the planning and promotion of Great Commission strategies.

The Consecrated Deacon’s Role ¶6610 A.

A. Consecrated Deacons remain members of the local Free Methodist church with no official standing in the annual conference. Consecrated Deacons may therefore serve as lay delegates to annual conference and General Conference.


Honorary Delegates without voting Privileges (Church-Planting Project, have Fellowship Status or are an Affiliate Congregation):

Church-Planting Projects ¶6810, H.

H. Conference Relationship. A lay project leader shall have an honorary seat in the conference and may be named in the appointments at the discretion of the Ministerial Appointments Committee.

Fellowship Status ¶6820 H.

H. Conference Relationship. A Fellowship shall be represented in the annual conference by an honorary delegate who shall have a voice but no vote

Affiliate Congregations ¶6830

H. Conference Relationship. An affiliated congregation shall be represented in the annual conference by an honorary delegate who shall have a voice but no vote.


How many delegates churches can have:

Ministerial and Lay Delegates ¶5010

A. The General Conference shall organize the work at large into annual conferences. Each annual conference shall be composed of all ministers in full membership and lay delegates elected by the several societies.

B. One lay delegate shall be admitted from each Society. If there is more than one pastor in full membership appointed to a Society, the Society shall be entitled to one additional lay delegate for each additional pastor. A Society that has more than 100 adult members may elect an additional lay delegate; and for each additional 200 adult members, an additional lay delegate may be elected. The election of a delegate and any reserve delegate shall be by separate ballot and each shall require a majority vote of those present and voting.

C. Delegates are not members of the annual conference until they are present with their credentials and have been seated. Conference Ministerial Candidates are without vote except for those who are appointed as pastors in charge of a Society (See 5340.G).

D. In consultation with the bishop of record, each annual conference shall provide for substantially equal ministerial and lay representation in its annual sessions.

Ordained Ministers are Full Members.  Since Conference Ministerial Candidates are not full members of the conference (i.e. ordained), you do not receive an additional delegate if they are appointed.  Conference Ministerial Candidates have a dual status during the path to ordination with lay person privileges.

Examples you may find helpful:

Your church has one appointed pastor, one appointed CMC and less than 100 members.  You will receive one delegate (one delegate for each society with less than 100 members)

Your church has two appointed Elders, one appointed CMC and less than 100 members.  You will receive two delegates (one delegate for each society with less than 100 members and an additional delegate for the additional ordained elder appointed).

Your church has 101 members, 4 appointed pastors and one appointed CMC.  You will receive two delegates for having more than 101 members and three delegates for each additional appointed Elder.

Your church has 300 members, 4 appointed pastors and two appointed CMC’s.  You will receive two delegates for having more than 101 members and three additional delegates for each additional appointed Elder.  You do not receive an additional delegate for having 300 members.  After the initial additional delegate for over 100 members, you will next need an additional 200 members for an additional delegate.