9:30am- Pick up name tags if you pre-registered (Welcome Center)
10:00am- Welcome, Worship, Devotional (all morning meetings in C104)
10:30am- Organize Conference/Nominating Committee Results/MEGA Report (will include Service Awards)
11:30am- Break
11:45am- BOA Report
Noon- Lunch (C102)
1:00pm- Bishop Cowart* (Sanctuary-will be live-streamed)
2:30pm- Break (Cheese, Sausage, Crackers) in addition to other snacks available (Commons
2:45pm- Break-out Sessions** (C104 and C102)
4:00pm- Break
4:15pm- Discussion with Bishop Cowart*** (Sanctuary-will be live-streamed)
5:30pm- Dinner (C104 and C102)
7:00pm Worship Service-Bishop Cowart speaking (Sanctuary-will be live-streamed)
*Questions from those viewing live-stream
Those who are viewing Bishop Cowart’s presentation via live-stream should text any questions they have to their pastor(s) or delegate(s).
**Break-out Sessions
During this time clergy will gather in one location and lay people will gather separately in a different location to discuss what the Bishop introduces during his afternoon session. In the Clergy Room, Gateway District Leaders will work together to facilitate the dialogue responses. In the Lay Person Room, Chuck and Christy Coates (Gateway Lay Reps) along with Mark Schaefer and his wife will facilitate the dialogue and responses. The goal of this time is to listen carefully to the local clergy and lay people (lay people from churches will be encouraged to attend). Pastors are encouraged to invite laypeople from their church to attend the afternoon sessions beginning at 1:30pm. Gateway Conference will cover the cost for up to 3 laypeople from each church to attend the afternoon sessions, which will include dinner.
Facilitators for each room will be given a set of questions to prompt discussion.
One Co-Supt. will be present in each room to serve only as a listener and observer. Only if the Spirit leads and the situation absolutely demands it will they offer brief comments to clarify.
Facilitators will if possible, keep minutes of the time, noting key questions and observations.
***Discussion With The Bishop
Following the breakout sessions, lay people and clergy will reconvene in the same room for a question and answer time with Bishop Keith Cowart.
For the first 30-40 minutes the facilitators will act as moderators, reporting the most pertinent observations and asking the most pressing questions raised from the Room they facilitated.
If there is time, for the last 20-30 minutes other questions from the floor will be welcomed.
Click here for information pertaining to the afternoon session
Click here to listen to the Bishop's podcast on changes coming to the FMC